Go-Lite Portable Mini-Lift

Sale price$1,095.00

GoLite™ Portable Lift is the Lightest Portable Lift for Foldable Scooters and Power Chairs. Only 25 lbs with Battery. Simply Amazing!

Let the GoLite do the Heavy Lifting.

The GoLite™ Portable Lift allows you to load and unload your lightweight foldable mobility scooter or power chair in and out of your vehicle easily and safely. It's compact, lightweight, and does not need to be attached to your vehicle. In fact, this portable lift only weighs 25 lbs with the onboard battery yet is powerful enough to automatically lift up to 100 lbs all with the touch of a button. Furthermore, it easily fits in a trunk, hatch, and even the backseat of most vehicles, making it an ideal companion to any foldable mobility equipment. 

The GoLite™ Portable Lift is affordably priced with features like easy-lift handles, quick release brakes, a built-in lithium-ion battery in a stand-alone design enabling easy transport between vehicles.

The GoLite™ Portable Lift foldable scooters like the Luggie, Transformer, EV Rider Transport and AF, Drive ZooMe, Mobie Plus as well as foldable chairs like the Pride Passport, Geo Cruiser, Airhawk, Karmen Transit, FoldandGo, as well as many others. 

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